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Socio AAMR con cuota al día al 31/03/2025 - SIN CARGO

No socios - AR$ 60.000

Residentes - Enfermeros - Técnicos SIN CARGO


Arcila M.E.
Aremberg D.M.
Asamura H.
Besse B.
Choy H.
Detterbeck F.
Edell E.
Erasmus Jr. J.
Felip E.
Flores R.
Garcia Campelo R.
Isla D.
Jett J.

Langer C.
Mazzone P.
Mok T.
Pass H.
Paz Ares L.
Peters S.
Provencio M.
Rami Porta R.
Reguart N.
Remon Masip J.
Rivera P.
Rodriguez Abreu D.
Schmitt-Opitz I.

Seijo Maceiras L.
Shepherd F.
Silvestri G.
Simon G.
Soria Ch.
Suarez Cruzat C.
Ugalde P.
Unger M.
Vokes E.
Wistuba I.
Wisnivesky J.P.
Yung R.
Zulueta J.



Dra. Paula Ugalde Figueroa


Dra. Paula Ugalde Figueroa

Estados Unidos

Dr. Paula Ugalde Figueroa has established herself as a thoracic dedicated to research. With a focus on innovative uniportal VATS approaches for lung cancer, she boasts an impressive portfolio of publications. Notably, Dr. Ugalde spearheaded the establishment of the lung cancer database at Laval University, elevating it to the world's leading contributor to the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer's prospective database. Since 2021, Dr. Ugalde has served on the Board of Directors of the IASLC, alongside her memberships in prestigious organizations such as the American Association of Thoracic Surgery and the Society of Thoracic Surgeons. As the acting Chair of International Affairs for the Women in Thoracic Surgery society, she actively advocates for gender equity in her field. In 2021, Dr. Ugalde transitioned to Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, where she is an Associate Surgeon within the Division of Thoracic Surgery. Emphasizing her academic prowess, she also serves as an Associate Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School and is affiliated with the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Dr. Ugalde's influence extends beyond the operating room; she has played a pivotal role in introducing minimally invasive thoracic surgery techniques to Brazil and Latin America. Through her mentorship of hundreds of thoracic surgeons and her annual instruction of a Latin American fellow in Québec, she facilitates the dissemination of expertise throughout the region. Dr. Ugalde's commitment to empowering the next generation of female thoracic surgeons, particularly in developing countries, underscores her dedication to advancing the field on a global scale.

Dr. Ramón Rami Porta


Dr. Ramón Rami Porta



Dr. Martin Reck


Dr. Martin Reck



Dr. Christian Rolfo

Biología molecular

Dr. Christian Rolfo

Estados Unidos

Christian Rolfo, MD, PhD, MBA, Dr.hc. is Professor of Medicine at the Ohio State University, School of Medicine. He is serving as Division Director of Medical Oncology and Associate Director for Early Phase Clinical Trials at The James Comprehensive Cancer Center at OSU, in Columbus, OH. Before joining OSU, he was serving as Professor at Mount Sinai School of Medicine and Associate Director for Clinical Research in the Center for Thoracic Oncology at The Tisch Cancer Institute. Dr. Rolfo’s clinical and research focus is on drug development, lung cancer and other thoracic malignancies, biomarkers, resistant mechanisms discovery, and liquid biopsies. Dr. Rolfo has held academic appointments at numerous institutions, including the University of Cordoba, Argentina; University of Antwerp, Belgium; University of Palermo, Italy, and the University of Maryland and Greenbaum Comprehensive Cancer Center where he was Director of Thoracic Medical Oncology and Director of Early Clinical Trials. Dr. Rolfo earned his MD at the University of Cordoba School of Medicine, his PhD and Doctor Europaeus in Clinical and Experimental Oncology Research at University of Palermo, Italy, and an MBA in Hospital and Health Services Management and Organization at Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain. He completed residency training in Medical Oncology at the National Cancer Institute in Milan (University of Milan, Italy). Dr. Rolfo is President of the International Society of Liquid Biopsy (ISLB) and Chair of the Education Committee at the International Association for Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC). Dr. Rolfo served as member of the Drug Approval & First in Human Commission at the Ministry of Health in Belgium during his time as Phase I Director at Antwerp University. Dr. Rolfo is actively working on drug development and lung cancer and mesothelioma treatment. His research is focused in molecular oncology, targeted therapies and Immunotherapy in thoracic oncology using new techniques in liquid biopsies, specifically in extracellular vesicles and circulating free tumor DNA. His research group identified ALK translocation in exosomes in NSCLC patients, and showed, for the first time, the videos of labeled EVs uptake by living lung cancer cells. He is currently working on the identification of new biomarkers involved in immunotherapy and TKI drug-resistance and early detection of lung cancer with liquid biopsy. Dr. Rolfo has contributed to the development of several compounds including Erlotinib, and the pharmacokinetics of Olaparib, Entrectinib, Selpercatinib, Trastuzumab Duocarmazine, among others. Dr. Rolfo has authored more than 350 scientific articles, has made several contributions to book chapters, and has served as a book editor. He has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals including New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet Oncology, Cancer Discovery, Nature Clinical Reviews in Oncology, Journal of Thoracic Oncology, Nature Nanotechnology, Clinical Cancer Research, Annals of Oncology, and Lung Cancer among others. Dr. Rolfo is Editor in Chief of Critical Review in Oncology Hematology.

Dr. Luis Fernando Giraldo-Cadavid


Dr. Luis Fernando Giraldo-Cadavid


Director del Servicio de Neumología Intervencionista en la Fundación Neumológica Colombiana y como profesor titular de Medicina en la Universidad de La Sabana. Título de médico en la Universidad del Valle, especializado en Medicina Interna y Neumología, y un doctorado en Investigación Médica Aplicada de la Universidad de Navarra en España, obteniendo la máxima distinción en el grado. Formado en Neumología Intervencionista en los Hospitales Fundación Jiménez-Diaz de Madrid, España; Hospital La Fe de Valencia, España; y Hospital de Grenollers, Barcelona, España. Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado de la Universidad de Navarra. Participación en diversas becas y en múltiples programas de formación internacional, particularmente en neumología intervencionista. Premio al mejor residente durante sus estudios de Medicina Interna y de Neumología. Más de 20 años de experiencia en la enseñanza de Medicina Interna, Cuidados Intensivos y Neumología, junto con una amplia cantidad de publicaciones científicas, fruto de investigacionoes centradas en neumología, terapias respiratorias y tecnologías diagnósticas, con trabajos notables sobre neumología intervencionista, apnea del sueño, disfagia y el manejo de enfermedades respiratorias crónicas. Desarrollo de varios dispositivos médicos patentados, especialmente en el campo de la medicina respiratoria. De manera particular, el desarrollo de herramientas y metodologías diagnósticas, como el Estesiometro Endoscópico Laringofaríngeo, que se utiliza para medir los umbrales sensoriales en las regiones laringofaríngeas. Actividades de proyección social: organización y presentación en congresos médicos nacionales e internacionales, particularmente en las áreas de endoscopia respiratoria, neumología intervencionista y cuidados críticos.


Neoadjuvancia y Adjuvancia en tumores resecables. Cuál es la mejor opción?
Secuenciando pacientes con mutaciones EGFR.
La biopsia líquida en el screening del Cancer de pulmón.
Rol de la biopsia líquida en estadios tempranos y avanzado SI.
Cuando operar las lesiones subsólidas y qué tipo de resección es el standard.
Estatificar post Neoadyuvancia.
Nuevas perspectivas en el tratamiento multimodal en Estadios tempranos.
Cirugía post Inmunoterapia.
Resecciones segmentarías en el tratamiento multidisciplinario.
Porqué el tamizaje del Cáncer de pulmón no es prioridad en la Salud Pública.


Dr. Claudio Martín

Dr. José Menéndez

Dr. Enrique Aman